Gansevoort Las Vegas Update: Underground Parking and a Colossal New Structure

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The changes to the former Bill’s Gamblin’ Hall have been more than dramatic, they’ve been mind-boggling. We’ve got some fresh photos of the Gansevoort Las Vegas construction site, and almost can’t believe what we’re seeing.

We need more eyes to keep track of all the construction at the new Gansevoort Las Vegas.
We need more eyes to take in all the construction at the new Gansevoort Las Vegas.

A giant crane has been on the Gansevoort Las Vegas site for some time now, but seemingly overnight, a new appendage, an entirely new part of the hotel, has been built under and around it.

In Vegas, if you blink, you might miss something big.
In Vegas, if you blink, you might miss something big.

We can’t tell what this part of the hotel will be yet, but there appear to be lots and lots of stairs.

We asked the Gansevoort what this structure is, but they aren't spilling.
We asked the Gansevoort folks what this structure is, but they aren’t spilling.

The Gansevoort appears to be making the very most of its prime real estate at the corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Flamingo Boulevard, utilizing both the space between Gansevoort and the Flamingo Las Vegas hotel, as well as a lot of “hidden” space (you can’t see it if you’re driving on Flamingo Boulevard) to the east of the hotel, across from Bally’s.

Crazy cool.
Crazy cool.

Bird’s-eye photos of the site reveal what we think is a tunnel to some new underground parking.

A big chunk of Bill's was devoted to parking. Not true for Gansevoort, apparently.
A big chunk of Bill’s was devoted to parking. Not true for Gansevoort, apparently.

Oh, and some sort of water slide! Not really, but we can dream.


The incredible progress at Gansevoort Las Vegas seems to be due, at least in part, to the fact everything is being worked on all at once, including priming and painting the building’s exterior.

The facelift continues out front.
The facelift continues out front.

On the southern side of the site, a lane of Flamingo Boulevard has been eaten up by a temporary pedestrian walkway. This is causing the traffic to be a little clustery, but mainly during peak traffic hours.

Please don't give the building the finger. It's sensitive.
Please don’t give the building the finger. It’s sensitive.

Just about all traces of Bill’s Gamblin’ Hall are gone, and if you look at the site from the Flamingo Las Vegas side, the building is unrecognizable.

You go, construction dudes.
You go, construction dudes.

We can’t wait to see the finished product! Enjoy more photos, and if you look closely, you’ll get a first look inside the new Gansevoort Las Vegas. Although, we suspect before it opens, they’ll probably sweep up first.

Gansevoort Las Vegas Construction


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